Tuesday, March 10, 2020

March 10 Ft Pierce to Cocoa Village

March 10

The winds finally settled down enough for us to leave Ft. Pierce.   It’s been a good stop but as often happens now that we’re back in travel mode - after a few days we’re ready to get going again.  Our original plan was to stop in the Melbourne area yesterday – Eau Gallie River to be exact.  But we decided to do a longer day today and stay on our original schedule that put us in Cocoa Village today.  We have reservations here at the marina for 3 nights and will use it as our base for traveling over to explore the Kennedy Space Center about 15 miles away.
Leaving Ft. Pierce - the sunrise city

We left a little before sunrise and finally docked about 4PM so a long day on the water.  Very pleasant with a light breeze, mixed sun and clouds, mild chop on the water and nice upper 70 degree temps.  It’s been a long time since we’ve done a long day on the water like this and honestly it was a bit monotonous.  The Indian River is relatively wide and shallow so staying in the channel is paramount but that meant anything of interest is too far away for easy viewing.  So, just a lot of looking ahead  for the next channel marker and verifying headings on the chartplotter.
Rare bit of scenery - spoil island with seagulls

Martha and I took turns doing 2 hour stints driving to break things up but I sure was glad to see that sign on the bridge going to Cocoa Beach announcing our arrival.   Even better after that long day was catching up to our friends on “InQuest” and checking out Bugnutty Brewery and Ryan’s Pizza.

Cocoa Bridge - the day is almost done
Finally docked for the day

Journey for March 10

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