Sunday, July 7, 2019

July 7 Mulcaster Island to Gananaque

July 7

We had another great sunset yesterday but then the wind picked up a bit and flipped  direction  from SW to NE which always  gives me concern if the anchor will hold OK as the rode gets pulled in the opposite direction from the initial anchor set.   It did but got me up a few times during the night to check as a couple boats had rafted up together directly behind me.  
With over 1800 islands to anchor at , these 2 decide to drop anchor 50' off my stern
As You Wish at anchor at sunset

Another short 6 mile run from our anchorage to Gananaque (there’s the right way, the wrong way, and the Gana-knock-way) where we made actual landfall on Canadian soil.

Displaying our Canadian courtesy flag

 While Clayton,NY is the gateway to the 1000 Islands on the American side, this is the gateway on the Canadian side.   It seems a smaller town but population wise is about the same – around 5,000 people.  One main street downtown a couple blocks long.  Good selection of restaurants – Irish pub, Japanese Sushi, Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese, Mediterranean, Italian, German, American.  Even have their own brewery – Gan Brewery – so of course had to do some sampling.
Scenic downtown Gananaque
 A few larger historic homes mostly turned into B&B’s.   Several tour boats for the islands and castles leave from the town docks and we’ve been told the town handles over a million visitors during the summer season.  Visited the local museum.  Entire first floor was dedicated to hockey.  Second floor explained town history.  Started by an American who was a British loyalist during the revolutionary war.  Fled to Canada and got a land grant. Set up a grist mill where the Gananaque River enters the St. Lawrence.   It was also a military location during the War of 1812.

The Sleepy Hollow Inn

Hard to see it, but guess the weathervane critter  atop the Beaver Inn 

 The AGLCA Harbor Host stopped by the boat while we were downtown and dropped off an invitation for docktails at his condo.   He keeps his boat here and owns a condo that overlooks the marina.  Very nice place and he and his wife were delightful hosts.  We took the back way into the condo so we could see his Cobra replica in the garage area.  Beautiful car in classic blue with white stripe paint job.  
Told a few stories about their looping adventures which I hope to not repeat.  Bad weather during gulf crossing, rebuilding engines, electrical fire.  Just another fun day on the loop. 
One of these things is not like the other. Guess I need to let it grow.
Looper get together included Steve and Cathy from United 771, Russ and Jax from Cat n Dogs, John and Martha from As You Wish and our gracious Gananoque  harbor hosts  Jim and Leslie. 

Journey for July 7

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